Friday, August 8, 2008

Miracle weight loss plan

I left my dad at Kotoka Airport roughly an hour ago and he was a visibly changed man. Not only was he not soaking every article of clothing at every hour of the day but he was at least 25 pounds lighter!!

You too can come to Ghana, eat burgers, fries and pasta while enjoying 625ml beers with lunch and dinner. Eat what you want and you can still lose 25 lbs or more in only 3 weeks!!!

To counterbalance the loss in weight, I sent my dad home with at least 30 pounds of Ghanaian jewelry. The last few days of his trip were spent in Bormase where we harvested Moringa, toured the village and slept. We watched Patrick work endless hours to produce more beautiful jewelry to send to America. We visited the Sekesua market in order to see Dorothy at work. When there was a break in the action, it was nap time. It wasn't uncommon to sleep 10-12 hours per night and still work in a nap or two during the day. Ahhh Peace Corps life!!

While in Accra, we met with fellow Peace Corps Volunteer Emily (the 13th PCV from my group that my dad met while in country) and her Global Mama co-workers for dinner. Global Mamas is a fair trade company based in Cape Coast and Odumase. Emily works with batik printers and bead makers and our dinner involved talks about involving Bormase workers in production. I'm very excited about the prospect of involving my village in permanent business. We'll see how it works out but as things are now, Patrick has no health insurance and has a son sitting at home waiting for the necessary funds for further education. The shipment that my dad took along today should help for the meantime but once I'm gone I would love for Patrick and others to be able to be able to reap more tangible rewards for their hard work.

That's all for now.
Love to all

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