Sunday, December 14, 2008

Merry Standfast

After finishing mid-service medical, I went to Bunso Coco College for the second annual All Volunteer Conference. Last year, the meeting was based around the Office of the Inspector General investigation and ended with the departure of at least five volunteers. Despite the negative overtones of last year's conference, volunteers raved about it's relevance and pushed strongly for the implementation of an annual meeting.

This year, the meeting was scheduled to coincide with Ghana's Presidential election and also happened to work well as a hand-off from Bob (old Country Director) to Mike (new Country Director). The meeting allowed 90 volunteers to convene in one place and hash out any any major complains or worries that may be lingering.

Enough of the conference was related to HIV/AIDS related topics for it to fall under the umbrella of PEPFAR and received funding. Most volunteers dreaded the idea of yet another PEPFAR meeting but the agenda was very interactive and the schedule was far less grueling than expected.

Complaints were shared from all sides, rumors were dispelled and ultimate frisbee and soccer were played each afternoon. The occasionally segregated teacher and omnibus volunteers bonded at a Peace Corps prom and during an impromptu talent show. Some of the quieter volunteers shared some incredible talents that were shocking to all.

As many of us expected, the Presidential election was too close to call (by constitutional parameters) with the NPP receiving just over 49 percent and the NDC receiving just under 49 percent. There will be a run-off on December 28th and due to civil unrest leading up to and following run-off elections in Ghana and other African nations, all volunteers will be required to stay at or near their respective sites from December 24th through January 2nd. Though most volunteers understand that the restriction has been mandated as a way to ensure our safety, many were bummed by the requirement that we spend Christmas and New Years away from friends and fun vacation spots. With my sister Martha's inevitably awesome vacation scheduled for Dec. 26 through Jan. 10, my plans have been thrown into the spin-cycle and plans are up in the air.

Yesterday, Florida Senator Bill Nelson sat down with any and all volunteers who were available in Accra. He has been on an intelligence mission throughout Africa and was willing to sit with us and discuss any pressing issues. He asked about our primary projects and told us about his appreciation for the Peace Corps and his vision for future growth. We had a great time chatting and we got to eat CHEESE!!! Honestly though, Senator Nelson was incredibly appreciative of our work and he wasn't visibly fazed by the fact that our dressiest clothing included sweaty, wrinkled clothing and open toed sandals. Today, I'll go back to the reality of Ghana and get back to work.

If you have time, please take a look at my friend Jon's Peace Corps Partnership Project proposal. Jon's village is in need of more easily accessible drinking water. Any donations are tax deductible and will go a long way. Thanks.

Love to all,

1 comment:

Crimp My Style said...

Dear Ira,
Your Mom was just here to meet me at school. She brought some of the spectacular bracelets. Please tell Patrick that they are exquisite and I am honored to have them.
Lots of love to you on valentine's day. JoanneO