Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Timing is everything

A fellow Ghana PCV left about 5 months ago to pursue a graduate school scholarship. About a week ago, he sent an e-mail to a number of us, updating us on what he's been up to. He lamented about the economy, the mundane and the reaction he got from friends. I don't know if it was intentional but he sent this e-mail as many other volunteers are preparing to leave for home.

Two volunteers from my group have officially closed their services (COSed). They had their respective home issues and received permission to go home more than 30 days ahead of our official NOv. 26 COS date. Almost nobody has an idea of what they plan/hope to do when they get home. We have different degrees of COS trip plans. A large group will meet in Barcelona shortly after Thanksgiving and will take a low cost, off season cruise to Galveston, Texas. As of now, I have a one way ticket to Istanbul November 28 and a plan to figure out what comes next. I'll meet my Dad in France mid to late December and will meet Cheri for a flight from London to Delhi mid January. I hope to travel until May. HOPEFULLY I will hear good news about grad school before this time but we shall see.

Projects are going well. I'm still trying to balance work and planning my re-adjustment yet again.

Love to all!!


1 comment:

Anna Mertens said...

Hey Ira,
How are you? You may not remember me, but this is Anna Mertens. I was in your group two years ago, but I had to ET right before training was over.
I just found your blog last week. Wow, reading the stuff from your first weeks was so strange to me because I was with you for so many of those things (vision quest, the field trip)...i haven't had time to go through the rest of your blog, I will sometime though.

I just read here you are going to travel until May. I am in Japan now and I am offering you a place to stay in case you and Cheri want to visit. Japan is really expensive (Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world right now, number two is Osaka!), so maybe staying here for a long time isn't a good idea, but I love Japan and I think visiting here is a must for all travelers.

I live about 70k away from Tokyo, I don't have a train station here but there is a bus that goes to Tokyo every hour from my town. My place is old, but you are in Ghana so to you it would be so nice!

Anyway, if you are interested let me know. I am here for a long time, so that is not a problem. Take care!

Anna Mertens