Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm Lovin' it!

No, I'm not plugging any golden arches. In fact, I was very happy to avoid McDonald's while in America. I still gained about 12 pounds!!!

Most of my first day back in Bormase was spent sleeping. I didn't realize how tired I was until I woke at 6:30, ate an egg sandwich, napped until 10:45, visited a few neighbors and then napped from a bit after noon until 3:45!!! No wonder I can't sleep at my usual bedtime of 8pm.

Life back in Bormase has been great. Michael and Patience are two new children at the house. They really live next door but after watching 5 year old Michael take care of his toddling sister for long enough, Dorothy unofficially adopted the two kids. They spend the day at our house while their parents farm etc.

Kicking a ball around, playing with bubbles and having incomprehensible conversations with small boys and small girls have been my favorite activities. Handing over earnings from the American bead bonanza was great too. Great thanks to all who helped the cause.

Today, Patrick is coming to meet me and we will purchase the cement for the community bead center. I can't wait!

Love to all

1 comment:

Michele S said...

I finally registered to follow your blog, cuz. What an amazing trip you've had. So proud of you; from the oldest Shaughnessy cuz to the youngest. Love and miss you. Thinking of you often as your bday approaches.